HOME / Calibration Laboratory


Our Lab Capability

  • Oscilloscope
    Digital Storage Oscilloscope Up to 600 MHz
    Analog Oscilloscope Up to 600 MHz
  • Signal Generator
    Arbitary Function Generator Up to 2.7 GHz
    Analog Signal Generator
    Function Generator Up to 2.7 GHz
  • LCR Meter
    Resistance Up to 1 GΩ
    Capacitance Up to 10uF
    Impedance Up to 10H
  • Others
    DC Power Supply Up to 10A, 10kV
    Tachometer Optical Up to 100000 RPM
    Insulation Up to 1 GΩ, 1kV
    Frequency Counter Up to 600 MHz
    Thermometer Indicator Type J,K,T,R,S,N,B,E
    AC Voltage Source Up to 10kV
    Decade Capacitance Up to 1mF
    Decade Inductance Up to 10H
    Decade Resistance Up to 90 M Ohm
    DMM (Digital Multimeter) 6.5 Digit


Category: Testing Instrument

Tags: CALIBRATION LABORATORY, kalibrasi laboratorium, Testing, measurement, Osiloskop,

Why Choose Our Calibration LAB ?


High-quality Calibration Facilities

Terminal Elektronika Sekawan (TES) provides a wide range of calibration services performed in a fast and also high accurate precision 

Free Pick Up for Min.10 Equipment (Jabodetabek Area), Depending on your needs, we provide pick-up and return services

On Time Schedule, Time always matter and for us it's a MUST

Strategic Location, Our Lab Calibration at Central Jakarta Harco Mangga Dua




Our Lab is Open From Monday to Friday at 09:00 - 17:00 WIB

Telp : 021 - 6120847 / 48


Email : kalibrasi@terminalelektronika.com




Harco Mangga Dua Blok L No. 32 Jalan Mangga Dua Raya, Jakarta 10730

KAN Certified


Our Calibration LAB is Certified by KAN

KAN Certified | Terminal Elektronika Sekawan

National Accreditation Committee (KAN) is a Non-structural Institution (LNS) assigned and responsible in the field of accreditation of conformity assessment. Based on Law Number 20 Year 2014 on Standardization and Conformity Assessment, KAN is located under and responsible to the Head of National Standardization Body (BSN)

