1. Power supply and all experimental peripherals are built in a single unit to carry out Z-80 experiments that require
no additional equipment.
2. Demo programs are permanently stored in system ROM to offer quick system test and functional demonstration.
3. Programming codes are downloaded / debugged / executed via PC or trainer keyboard.
4. All chip sets are protected by an acrylic cover on the top of trainer panel.
5. All chip names are clearly printed in corresponding position on acrylic panel.
6. External interface allows user to create user-defined circuits.
MTS-Z80A helps students to understand the architecture and programming of Z-80 computer. The system contains five main parts: (1) a Z-80 CPU (2) system and user memory (3) world standard chip sets (4) input and output devices, and (5) external interface.
Students edit and make a assembly program codes from PC and observe instant results after they download and execute programs from system memory. Debug functions are also available via PC or system keypad interface.
For Further Information please download the brochure