GPM-8212 AC Power Meters


  • Simultaneous Display of W, A, V ( PF or Hz )
  • True RMS V, A, W
  • Auto Calibration Via Computer
  • Max. / Min. / Hold Function
  • High Immunity to External Noise
  • CT Ratio (1 ~ 9999)
  • PT Ratio (1 ~ 9999)
  • A.C. Power Meter (Bench-Top)-- True RMS V, A, W.

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The GPM-8212 is a bench-top power meter suitable for middle- to high-end application. Performance and functionality are maintained at the highest level as in maximum 9999 CT/PT ratio, high immunity to external noise, and true RMS voltage/current/power. Extra attention is paid to simplify setup and operation. The large 0.56" display shows all three units, Wattage/Voltage/Current, either in PF or Hz, simultaneously. PC connection through RS-232C or RS-485 interface adds automatic calibration feature providing minimum error factor and data/control interface for automated test systems.


Ordering Info :

A.C. Power Meter

GPM-8212 (RS-232)
A.C. Power Meter with RS-232C Interface

GPM-8212 (RS-485)
A.C. Power Meter with RS-485 Interface


Range 5V, 10V, 20V, 40V, 80V, 160V, 320V, 640V total 8 ranges by auto-range or manual
Measurement Type True rms
Input Resistance >1MΩ
Maximum Input Voltage 1000V (peak), 700V (rms)
PT Ratio Setting 1 ~ 9999
Accuracy(at 23°C+5°C)
+ 0.1% of reading + 0.1% of range
Range 160mA, 320mA, 640mA, 1.280A, 2.560A, 5.120A, 10.24A, 20.48A total 8 ranges by auto-range or manual
Measurement Type True rms
Input Resistance 0.01Ω
Maximum Input Current 30A (peak), 20A (rms)
CT  Ratio Setting 1 ~ 9999
Accuracy(at 23°C+5°C)
+ 0.1% of reading + 0.1% of range
Meausrement Range 0.32mW ~13.10kW
Meausrement Type True rms
Accuracy(at 23°C+5°C)
+ 0.2% of reading + 0.2% of range
Range 0.001 ~ 1.000
Computation W / (V x A) = Power Factor (PF)
Accuracy(at 23°C+5°C)
+ 0.2% of reading + 0.2% of range
Meausrement Range 40Hz ~ 400Hz
Accuracy(at 23°C+5°C) + 0.2% of reading +2 digits
Display 4 digits 0.56" LED ang 2 sets of 4 digits 0.4" LED
Minimum Input 2% of range
Response Time 2 cycle / Sec
Overload Indicating " O.L "
  AC 100 ~ 230V, 50/60Hz
  251(W) × 91(H) × 291(D) mm
Approx 1.6 kg
