Since PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) was firstly introduced in 1970, it has been widely applied to various industrial uses such as machine and process controls. Designed with the latest microprocessor and electronic circuitry, today's compact-size PLCs provide the feature of high level of reliability, performance, speed and networking. The use of PLCs in automated production lines enhances system reliability, product quality, information sharing, efficiency and flexibility and thus reduces costs.
PLC-220 is a self-contained trainer which consists of a SIEMENS PLC main unit and commonly used I/O devices for simulation. It offers students excellent theories and wide applications of programmable logic controllers. This trainer enables students to learn step by step from the fundamentals of PLC to more advanced controls used in industry.
1. STEP 7 TIA portal operations
(1) Editing ladder program
(2) Testing ladder program
(3) Monitoring status
2. Basic control circuits
(1) Self-holding circuit
(2) Flashing control
(3) Inching control
(4) Single button Control
3. Light control
(1) Simple light control
(2) Complex light control
4. Traffic light control
(1) Traffic light controller (conventional)
(2) Traffic light controller (code block)
5. Digital clock control
(1) 7-segment display control
(2) Time clock
6. Step motor control
(1) Speed and direction control
(2) Encoder operation
(3) Step motor and encoder
(4) Step motor’s step display
7. Tank filling device control
(1) Tank filling control
(2) Thumbwheel device
(3) Tank filling control with thumbwheel
8. Keypad control
(1) Keypad operation
(2) Digital lock control
9. DC motor control
(1) Analog Input Controller
(2) PWM speed controller
(3) Proximity and micro switches
(4) Automatic speed control